Adi | Ideia haundiak eta gaitzeko diskoa: The Big Idea

Elea Boa, Addar, Merina Gris, Shallow Waters, Plantoid, Kula Shaker, The Big Idea, The Last Dinner Party, Radical Kitten, Do Not Machine, Baratro, 20 Seconds Failing Man.

Adi | Nikotina, Mila Koloreko mendekotasuna

Nikotina, Goxua’n Salsa, Koma, Etxekalte, Gablé, Cabane, Justice, The Umbrellas, New Model Army, Alkaline Trio, Scarlet Rot, Stone Horns

Adi | Kim Gordonek, “Bye Bye” erran dio Gaztetasun Sonikoari betirako

Pelax, Frel Asiat, Monsieur Lecrêpe, The Descent, Helado Negro, The Bug Club, Kim Gordon, The drastics, Green Day, Lysistrata, Alluvial, Hideous Divinity. 

ADI – Idles Tangk berri batekin etortzen zaigu!

Neu Troia, Gorka Urbizu, BSRT Kolektiv, Nulled, Folly Group, La Pangola x Aunty Rayzor, The Black Keys, Hoorsees, Idles, Ravage, Coilguns & Birds In Row, Santa Creu.