Adi | Guadalupeko The Bolokos talde punk kreola!

Mizelium, Heitxi, Tannat, NameOff, Mortori, The Bolokos, Thursday, An So I Whatch You From Afar, Marta Del Grandi, A Place For Owls, Mirar, Chat Pile.

Adi | Ztah eta Ødei aurreiritzirik gabe!

Mice & Moxal, Niña Coyote eta Chico Tornado & Gailü, RTZ, Ztah & Ødei, Father John Misty, Magon, Tommy Lefroy, Osees, Amyl and The Sniffers, The Limiñanas, Whispers, VCTMS.

Adi | Basil’s Kite taldearen metal hardcore bihurria!

Mikel Urdangarin, BIX, Iramo, Ezetza, Juanita Stein, United Fools, White Denim, Cameron Winter, Stuffed Foxes, Daria, No Cure, Basil's Kite.

Adi | Ezezez eta puntofinal!

Ezezez, Alea Lyrique, Gaizka Insunza, Asgarth, Justin Adams & Mauro Durante, The Muldoons, Total Tommy, Trupa Trupa, Adé, Igorrr, Conjonctive, The Tale Untold.